Reasons to sell your olive grove or oil mill
The prospects of investing in the oil sector offer both local and global opportunities. On the one hand, due to unforeseen circumstances or changes in personal situation, seeking out an investor or a buyer may be the best option.
Making the decision to sell part or all of your business is a unique situation in which many enthusiasts find themselves. Here are some of the most common reasons why olive grove and oil mill owners put their business up for sale.
Why sell your olive grove or oil mill?
- You are thinking of retiring soon and your family is currently involved in other businesses and investments. In the meantime, you have recently carried out improvements to the equipment of the mill and replanted olive trees for future production.
- There have been sudden and unexpected personal matters or that of a family-member which may result in financial difficulties.
- You are interested in changing your business. In this way, instead of diversifying, your aim is to make a disinvestment to start a completely new project. However, you want a new investor to continue your long-standing work in the mill.
- You are looking for a new strategic partner with unique expertise in developing and significantly improving performance in the oil business and who is interested in investing in the improvement of the mill.
- You are an expert in the olive sector who once decided to expand into the oil sector. However, you would now like to devote yourself fully to your passion of growing olives.
There are nearly as many reasons to sell an olive mill as there are owners and professionals. At Rimontgó we have come across many of them, but we will not mention them here out of respect and confidentiality reasons.

The path towards selling your olive grove or oil mill
After identifying and defining the reasons behind selling an olive grove or an oil mill, the next step is to determine how to move forward with the overall process and what your objectives are in terms of your future role in the business and ownership.
- You are interested in selling your oil mill with a temporary mentorship in order to accompany the buyer in the initial stages of development.
- You want to sell with an agreed long-term shareholding.
- You want to sell the property as soon as possible and in its current state.
- You would like to remain involved in the olive business; however, you are willing to share part of the property with a qualified, honest and reputable investor, with or without prior knowledge of the olive and oil mill sector.

Closing the deal and sealing the bottle
We have laid down the foundation for the principle reasons to take into consideration when determining whether to sell your olive grove or oil vill; however the circumstances and possibilities, as we said before, are unique to every seller.
At Rimontgó, a trusted and experienced agent in your region with the knowledge of the current market and the most profitable options for the sale of your olive grove or oil mill is guaranteed. Contact our team to take the next step towards the sale of your olive grove or oil mill.