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En Lérida destaca la DO Les Garrigues como única DO de olivos en la provincia.

DO Les Garrigues

Comprende las comarcas al sur de la provincia de Lérida, en la comarca de Les Garrigues y algunos territorios de las comarcas de La Segarra y Meridional. La superficie del olivar es de 35.715 ha y la producción de aceite 4.3 millones Kg/año.


se dan las variedades arbequina y verdiell, con las que producen aceites afrutados o dulces. El cultivo se ve condicionado por las dimensiones de los bancales en los que se asienta el olivar.


La historia de la variedad arbequina se remonta al Rey Jaime I que fue quien la trajo a Cataluña tras la conquista de Mallorca a los musulmanes. Uno de sus súbditos feudales, el Señor de Arbeca, fue el primero que plantó en sus feudos el citado olivo por sus innegables ventajas.

Posteriormente el Conde De Bessacout, gobernador de Lleida promocionó el cultivo de esta variedad en la comarca de Les Garrigues.

Climate and soils

The topography of Les Garrigues is rugged, alternating small valleys with terraced slopes and sometimes flat summits suitable for cultivation. In the comarca of L'Urgel this character is less accentuated. The comarca of Segrià groups together the lands of the lower Segre valley and part of the high plateaux that delimit it and separate it to the west from the Cinca river basin. The average altitude ranges between 400 and 550 metres above sea level.

The most important river in the district is the Set, which rises in the centre of the La Llena mountain range and irrigates Cervià, L'Albagés and Cogul. Like the Juncosa, which flows through Juncosa, El Soleràs, Granyena, on the way to Torrebesses, if the Set is dry, the Juncosa is much drier.

The characteristic that best defines the production area is undoubtedly its dry terrain. The dry land and the wiry soil determine the landscape and the people. The climate in the area is Mediterranean with a continental tendency. There are greater daily and annual temperature contrasts than in the Mediterranean climate, with a maritime influence, a wide temperature range, very cold winters and very hot, dry summers. The region has a fairly harsh climate (temperatures range from a minimum of -2º C to a maximum of 24º C) and a continental climate, which only allows the existence of Mediterranean xerophytic vegetation, similar to that which dominates the rest of the low plains of the middle Ebro.

Rainfall is generally scarce, with maximum rainfall in spring. Annual rainfall varies between 350 and 450 mm, with an average relative humidity of 66%.

Oil mills

Agraria de Fulleda, S.C.C.L, Agraria dels Omellons, Agraria Espluguenca, S.C.C.L., de L'Espluga Calba, Camp de Cervià de Les Garrigues, CA. del Soleràs, Cooperativa del Camp "Foment Maialenc", S.C.C.L., de Maials, Cooperativa del Camp "Ntra. Sra. de La Bovera", S.C.C.L., de Guimerà (Agroindustrial Catalana), Cooperativa del Camp "Sant Isidre Llaurador", Cooperativa del Camp "Sant Salvador", D'Alfés, Cooperativa del Camp de Belianes, Cooperativa del Camp de La Floresta, Cooperativa del Camp de L'Albi, Cooperativa del Camp de Torrebesses, Cooperativa del Camp de Vallbona de Les Monges, Cooperativa del Camp del Cogul, Cooperativa del Camp del Vilosell, Cooperativa del Camp D'Alcanó, Cooperativa del Camp D'Almatret, S. C.C.L. de Granyena de Les Garrigues, Cooperativa del Camp de Maldà, Molino de Rocafort de Vallbona, S. Cooperativa C. Ltda. Ltda. de Vinaixa, Stat. Coop. Catalana Ltda. del Camp, "L'Albequina", D'Arbeca, Stat.Coop. Ltda. del Camp, "La Fraternal", de L'Albagès.

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Rimontgó - Olive Groves and oil mills

Rimontgó - Olive Groves and oil mills

Rimontgó has more than a decade of experience in the sale of wineries and olive estates in Spain and has a small but complete team of experts including an oenologist, people trained in the administration of olive estates and export managers of large groups, who have accumulated invaluable experience in the sale of olive estates and oil mills, and also in the analysis and valuation of soils, olive trees, installations, machinery, oil production techniques and their national marketing or export...

Rimontgó Olive groves and Oil Mills is part of Rimontgó, a family business founded in 1959 in Jávea, specialising in offering quality real estate services to clients from all over the world. It has the best selection of luxury properties for sale, mainly in Valencia and the Costa Blanca, as well as other investment assets in the main cities of Spain.

With a marked international character, both in terms of its clientele and its reach, Rimontgó has a renowned reputation in its sector. Rimontgó is recognised by its clients and its colleagues as an honest, professional company, with proven ethical principles for over 60 years, that makes its experience and dedication to the client the basis of excellent service.

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