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1 Olive groves and oil mills for sale in Sevilla

Oil Mill and 30 ha of olive grove
Olive groves in the province of Seville
Infographic of the area

In Seville, DOP Estepa stands out as the only olive designation of origin in the province.
DOP Estepa
There are 13 localities in the region of Estepa (Seville) and Puente Genil (Cordoba), a territory with a millenary tradition in olive growing, with a soil and climate that allow the production of oils with their own personality and recognised worldwide.
The varieties protected by the Estepa Designation of Origin are: Hojiblanca, Arbequina, Selección and Estepa Virgen.
Varietal diversity' is a characteristic of this region, due to the influence of three olive-growing areas of Andalusia: Cordoba, Seville and the north of Malaga. The oils from blends of these three varieties are giving spectacular results, as evidenced by the many awards that the oils from this region of Estepa are receiving for diversity of organisms.
In addition, a fact that provides a very important special nuance is the harvesting of the olives. Around 30% of the total production of the Comarca de Estepa is destined for the 'table'. This production is harvested before the olives destined for the mill, which accelerates the ripening process in the rest of the unharvested olives, giving the oils from this area a distinct nuance both chemically and organoleptically.
From a historical point of view, during the Muslim period, the important presence of oil in the daily life of the inhabitants of the area is confirmed. After the 'Reconquista', the late medieval period was characterised by a boom in the sector.
In the three centuries that elapsed between the medieval and modern periods, the land devoted to olive growing increased spectacularly, and national and foreign markets saw the arrival of oils from this area.
Climate and soils
A large part of the olive groves are located on red Mediterranean soils with a sandy-clayey texture and a lumpy structure, very chalky with outcrops of white limestone in some cases. Climatologically, the subtropical Mediterranean climate predominates, with a 'dry Mediterranean' humidity regime, with an average annual temperature of 15º-18º C and rainfall of between 900-1000 mm. The altitude ranges between 200 and 400 metres, rising to over 800 metres as we get closer to the mountain ranges of the Sierras Subbeticas.
Olive oil mills
Coop. Ntra. Sra. de la Paz SCA (Soc. Coop. And.), Coop. Olivarera Pontanense SCA, Coop. La Purísima de Herrera SCA, Agropecuaria de Herrera S.C.A., Agrícola Roda S.C.A., Coop. Olivarera de Pedrera SCA, Coop. Olivarera San Nicolás de Marinaleda SCA., Olivarera San Isidro de Gilena SCA., Agrícola El Rubio SCA., Coop. Olivarera de Casariche SCA., Olivarera San José de Lora de Estepa, SCA., La Inmaculada Concepción SCA., Arbequisur SCA. y Puricon
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